Our Mission
Transform the local grape into high quality Mexican wine
and passion for wine starts like this…

– Rodolfo Arcovedo, Winemaker
This is the year we jumped into this world of grapes, yeasts, science and magic through a winemaking course at Estación de Oficios El Porvenir, aka “La Escuelita”, in the Valle de Guadalupe. This is how our first wine was born: Princesa. A Cabernet Sauvignon whose surprising personality made clear to us the virtues of this terroir.

2010 - 2013
This satisfaction pushed us in search of more knowledge until we achieved the certification in winemaking by the University of California, Davis.

2013 - 2019
We continue to produce quality wines, some of which won several gold and silver medals in important competitions at the National and international level.

2020 - Present
In 2020 we moved forward with our ideals of harmony with the environment and built our state-of-the-art warehouse in Tijuana, B.C. with a sustainability design that includes ecological features such as 26 photovoltaic panels, rainwater harvesting system and gray water management, including an advanced ventilation and passive thermoregulation system for the vinification and storage of our fine wines.

As the years pass our passion for winemaking
and the environment only grows strong, yet we are just starting…